Our Family Office Ethos & Our Expansion

In the 1940’s the Paz Teixeira Families focused on investing and developing real estate in their local region in Portugal.

During this period of both economic and political turmoil, the Family worked alongside local communities and governments to build sustainable social, residential housing and commercial developments. 

They realised early on that the strength of local communities came from building long term, trusting and reliable relationships, collaborating and bringing specific skills to the forefront to achieve a collective goal. Over the years the Family has been able to adopt more sustainable and ecologically building practices in their property planning and development. More recently they have started to articulate what had been inherent in their DNA to focus on the greater good of People & Planet wherever possible. This led to a greater focus in clean, renewable energy with the Family investing into West Africa.

From this expansion, and through meeting a diversified group of people with different backgrounds and expertise, the Family enhanced its diversification programme into the sectors it now invests in namely; healthcare, tech, energy and sport. 
 We believe that people can only grow and sustain themselves when they have the skills and capabilities to learn and progress and it is with this in mind that we strongly believe in investing for the long term, in seed stage companies to support them through to success, using our diverse relationships to provide them with specialised expertise, co-investment opportunities and overall strategic guidance.

Family Office Started


Urban Development


Diversification of Portfolio


Transportation Infrastructure and Engineering


Commercial & Residential Expansion


Sustainable Energy in West Africa


Family Office in London


Residential Units in Portugal and Spain


Lisbon University Project


Expansion into Energy, Healthcare, Sports and Tech


Our Investment Scope

Geography – The Family have strong relationships and investments in Portugal, Spain, India and West Africa. More recent diversifications have enhanced the risk appetite to include the UK, into the Southern part of Africa (energy) and into the Latin American countries (sports)

Asset classes – Equities, Debt Finance, Real Estate, Fixed Income and Alternatives


Ticket sizes & Structure – £100k through £3m : Pre-seed, Seed, Series A

Under specific circumstances, the family office is capable of investing between £5 million and £50 million. – Series B, C and other growth rounds, private equity and distress.

Sectors – Sport, Energy, Healthcare, Real Estate, Tech

Portfolio Companies